Art Show

Announcing the 2025 Kid & Teen Art Show!


  • Open to all children and teens ages 6-18.


All work must be created by the student. The entry must be conceptualized, developed, and completed by the student. If a parent or teacher has any doubt about the originality of the piece, it should not be submitted.

Guidelines for Artwork

Artwork can be two- or three-dimensional and must be completely dried or fixed.
Maximum entry size: 24 inches by 36 inches, including matting.
Each student may submit one piece of artwork in any of the following media:

Accepted Art Forms:

Drawing – Colored or graphite pencil, ink, pastel, crayon, chalk, marker, or charcoal. Pastels and charcoal must be protected with a fixative spray.
Painting – Acrylic, watercolor, oil, other plastic paints.
Printmaking – Block print, monoprint, collagraph, serigraph, lithograph, and other forms.
Mixed Media – Entries in which two or more 2-D media are combined in a single two-dimensional entry, including collage.* Materials may extend up to one inch from the surface.
(*Collage: No more than 20% of collage material may be from newspapers, magazines, books, or other material pre-printed with text or designs, such as scrapbook paper.)
3D Media – Ceramics, sculpture, metal, found objects, sculpture, and natural materials.
Original Photography – Must be the student’s own work taken within the last year. Black and white or color prints accepted.
Digital Media – Must be the student's own work created within the last year, not to exceed 5 minutes. Judging will be based on originality, creativity, visual and audio appeal, and content.

Please Note:

  • Original photographs or student-directed photographs may be used by students in the development of the entry, provided the original photograph is attached to the back of the entry.

  • Photographs not originated by the student may not be used as source material for artwork submissions. Copying a photograph exactly in any media is prohibited.

  • Images traced with the use of a projector or other mechanical means are prohibited.

  • Use of AI is prohibited.

  • Works on paper should be matted to protect the artwork. Works on stretched canvas or canvas board do not need to be matted. Please, no framed artwork.

Preparing Artwork for Entry

Age Divisions:

  • Sprouts: Ages 6-8

  • Budding Artists: Ages 9-11

  • Rising Creators: Ages 12-14

  • Teen Visionaries: Ages 15-18

Entry Fee

FREE for all participants!

Submission Process

Register online then submit artwork by mail or in-person

📬 By Mail:

  • Deadline: March 3, 2025

  • Mail to: Deeply Rooted Learning Center
    1159 Rt 9 Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
    Attn: Art Department

  • Must include: Artist's Name, Age, Title of Artwork, and Optional Artist Statement. Include parent/guardian contact information.

🖼 In-Person Drop-Off:

  • When: Any Wednesday during Co-op hours (12:30 PM - 2:30 PM)

  • Where: Deeply Rooted Learning Center

Judging Criteria

Entries will be judged based on the following criteria, each weighted equally:

  1. Creativity & Originality – Evidence of imagination, creativity, and individuality. The concept is distinctive and presented in a unique way.

  2. Technique – The student chooses and utilizes media and tools competently to enhance the appearance of the work.

  3. Organization – The use of elements and the principles of art effectively enhance the overall appearance of the work.

  4. Clarity of Theme – The work combines technique, expression, and organization to effectively interpret the theme.

  5. Presentation – The presentation is in accordance with the style of the art piece and the theme of the competition.

🏅 Awards

  • Ribbons will be awarded to participants in each age category.

  • The jurors have the right to exclude any work from consideration. The decision of the jurors is final.

Support the Art Show!

We are reaching out to local businesses to sponsor this event. If you or your business are interested in supporting the show, please email for more information.

Donations Needed for This Event:

🍪 Snack Table Contributions – Water bottles, baked goods, snacks.
🎨 Recyclable Materials for the ‘Create Art’ Table – Donations can be dropped off at Deeply Rooted Learning Center, labeled “Art Donation”.
💰 Monetary Donations – Always welcome and appreciated! Donations can be made through our website or given to a member of the Administration Team.
📢 Spread the Word! – Sharing our posts on social media or displaying our flyers helps us tremendously.

Thank you for your support!

We can’t wait to see you at the Kid & Teen Art Show on March 7, 2025! 🎨✨

Media & Registration

Feel free to share the following images on social media and don’t forget to register below!

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